Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Week Thirteen Results: PiMaster's Revenge

Pi owned this week, getting clutch "suckouts" from the Seahawks and Cardinals. Apocalypse for Vance/Gentile, Zaxelrod (who missed his ten lowest confidence games), MasterJ (a jawdropping 45 which was almost a 29), and Mysterioso (failed to post).

PiMaster - 110
Kwicky - 97
Toph - 96
Moon - 93
Vance/Gentile - 76
Zaxelrod - 68
MasterJ - 45
Mysterioso - X (45)

Pi is really in control now. Kwicky and Toph continue to move up the list but it looks like too little too late.

Totals after thirteen weeks:

PiMaster - 1234
Moon - 1193
Kwicky - 1178
Toph - 1169
Vance/Gentile - 1160
Zaxelrod - 1143
Mysterioso - 1071
MasterJ - 1034

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